Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Excel – Nested If Statement or function


Understanding of using nested if statement in excel

IF is one of the most popular features in Excel. Sometimes in a spreadsheet, something should be done if certain conditions are in place. What is known as an “if” statement can be solved with an “if-then” statement in Excel. 

The Excel IF Statement tests a given condition and returns one value for a TRUE result and another value for a FALSE result. We can also use the IF function to evaluate a single function, or we can include several IF functions in one formula. Multiple IF statements in Excel are known as nested IF statements.

you'd use an IF formula to test your condition and return one value if the condition is met, another value if the condition is not met. To evaluate more than one condition and return different values depending on the results, you nest multiple IFs inside each other.

Excel Nested If Statement
Excel Nested If Statement




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