Thursday, April 22, 2021

How to create customer profile in quickbooks desktop

In this tutorial, we will see how we can create customer profile in QuickBooks desktop.


Well before adding customer profile, it’s a good idea to define whether what type of customer we are entertaining, and what would be the payment method and terms. So, to setup these things one by one, click on list menu and select “Customer Type List”.

Tutorial Instructions:



Well QuickBooks has already added a few types here and if you are ok with all the available Customer Types, just leave it as it is and if you need to add more, just select “New” under “customer Type” and write your customer type and click on “OK”. Here you can see that the New Customer Type has been added to the list. Moreover, if you want you can even make a sub-type of your customer Type and if you want to keep your list concise then either delete or inactive the ones you don’t use so instead of deleting, I am making them  inactive.

Now to add Payment terms, Select Terms List in the list menu. Well a bunch of terms have already been added and I am pretty much fine with them but still I am going to create one by selecting “new” in the “terms” dropdown Now, just write your term name and specify it in the remaining fields.

Like, the full amount will be due in 40 days but 3% discount will be provided if payment is made in 5 days. And then click on “OK” and here you can see that a new payment term has been added to the list.

Now to add payment method, go back to the list menu and select “Payment Method List”, Like  other lists, we see some already added here too but looking at the list i can delete or inactive “Gift Card” method which I don’t use for the time being. And whenever I will start using that method too, I can come here and make it active again by checking this check box and clicking on the cross sign.

And if you want to add some default message on the invoice, you can create that too by going to the “Customer Message List” and selecting “New” under “Customer Message”. Here just add your message and click on “OK” and here you can see that the new message has been added in the already populated list of messages.

Well, we have setup up a few things that will help us make better decisions in future relevant to the customer and now lets add a customer by going to the “Customer Center”.

Here you can see that there is no customer added in the customer center yet and to add one, click on the “New Customer & Job” Dropdown and select “New Customer”.

Here, just fill the primary information about the customer like, Customer Name, and If have any existing balance with this customer, just add that here his/her company name, Phone, Mobile, Fax number, email, website and Invoice to and Ship to addresses etc.

Now, Click on the “Payment Setting” Tab and here we can add the customer’s Account Number,  Payment terms Which we set up earlier, preferred Delivery and Payment Methods and credit card info. Moreover, We can add some credit limit for this customer and even we can create price ranges but this will be covered in future tutorials.

Now, click on “Sales Tax Settings” tab here the tax related fields have been grayed out and its just because we haven’t added any taxable product so far.

Anyhow, click on “Additional info” tab, here we can select the customer type which we setup earlier and you can assign a rep for this customer if you have employed one. Moreover, if you want to create some default fields for this customer, click on this tab and create one by filling these fields.

And if you have a specific job concerning to this customer you can put that in the “Job Info” tab and track it separately. Now go through the info again to make sure you have added all the required information and then just click on “OK” to create your first customer Profile. Now, our customer profile has been created and here is the snapshot of this customer information.

Anyhow, here we have some tabs related to this customer. All the business transactions with this customer will appear under “transection” tab which we also can filter according to our needs.  And under contacts tab, we can add Primary and secondary contacts too. To add contacts, click on the “Manage Contacts” and select “Add New” here just fill the concerned fields and after making it a primary or secondary contact in the “Contact Type” field, click on Save and Close” button and if you want to create another one, then click on “Save and New” button.

And to keep InTouch with the customer, it would be a good thing to create a to do list about that customer whether its about future projects or current ones. Moreover, some certain notes can also be created under notes tab. Anyhow, our customer profile has been created.

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