Thursday, April 22, 2021

How to delete inactive, and edit a customer profile in quickbooks

In this tutorial, we will see whether how we can delete, inactive and edit, a Customer profile in QuickBooks desktop.

So, to edit, inactive and delete a customer profile, First let me add a customer profile with as little info as possible. Well, when a customer moves from one area to another or for some reason his basic information changes, he wants his vanders to update his profile. So to edit a customer’s profile either right click on the customer name and select “edit customer Job”, it will open the customer’s profile window or you can click on this pencil icon, either way you will end up here and whatever the info he wants you to update, just go through and change it and click on ok

Tutorial Instructions:



Sometimes, you don’t do business with a customer as frequently as you think it will be or due to some unexpected reasons, the customer never comes back, in that scenario, you get a choice to keep that customer showing up in your customers list or you can just inactive that customer to keep the customers list to those you do your business with regularly. Lets say you want to inactive that customer.

So, either click on the pencil icon again and check this check box to inactive that customer or  right click on the customer name and select “Make customer Job Inactive”. Either way the customer profile will get inactive and If that customer comes back to do the business again all you need to do is to click on this dropdown and select “All Customers”.

It will start showing all the customers whether they are active or inactive, here, the ones you see cross next to them are the inactive ones and to make a customer active again either select “Make customer job active” option by right clicking on it or just click on the cross sign to re-appear that customer in the list and then just select “Active customers” in the dropdown.

Well for some reasons, if you really have to delete a customer from your quickbooks desktop, you sure can, just right click on the customer name and select “Delete Customer Job” and then click on ok to delete that customer the customer will get deleted conveniently if there is no transaction attached to this customer. Well if there is then the quickbooks will not let you delete that customer.

To make it clear, I am opening a sample file and adding a customer profile there. Now I am creating an invoice relevant to that customer. Now we have some data attached to this customer and if you want to delete that customer it will show a message  mentioning that this customer has some balance thats why the customer can’t be deleted instead its letting you know, just make that customer inactive if you don’t do your business with this customer anymore.

Anyhow, if you really want to delete that customer from your quickbooks, you can either by deleting the attached transactions or assigning those transactions to another customer. Here you can see that the concerned transaction is no longer attached to this customer and now we can delete that customer conveniently.

Remember if you even “Void” that transaction, the quickbooks will not let you delete that customer because it will still consider that there is some transaction attached to this customer.

Anyhow, deleting a customer’s profile by assigning the transactions to another customer is not the best practice and it should be avoided.

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